Noosa Biosphere: Nurturing Nature Through Five Key Environmental Projects

Step into the pristine landscapes of Noosa Biosphere Reserve, where conservation meets innovation. Uncover the stories behind five projects meticulously crafted by the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation, each playing a vital role in nurturing the region's biodiversity and creating a sustainable haven for residents and visitors alike.

Wild Koala Conservation: Witness the Noosa Wild Koala Project's quest to reverse the decline in koala numbers. Support funds crucial research, from health mapping to chlamydia vaccination trials. Visit the Wild Koala project page for more information and how to donate.

Glossy Black Cockatoos: Protect the vulnerable Glossy Black-Cockatoo by contributing to habitat research and conservation efforts. Involvement helps fill knowledge gaps, scale initiatives, and support on-ground community action. Be part of safeguarding the iconic Glossy Black-Cockatoo.

Grow for Noosa: Embrace a sustainable food future with the Noosa & Region Agri-hub. Join forces with regenerative farmers and community groups to create a resilient, local food economy. Participate in shaping a circular economy and explore the Grow for Noosa project.

Blue Biosphere: Explore the marine wonders of the Noosa Biosphere Reserve with the Blue Biosphere project. Delve into research on iconic marine species, from dolphins to sharks, and understand their interactions with human activities. Discover the secrets of Noosa's marine Blue Biosphere project.

Surf Safe Noosa: Immerse in responsible coastal enjoyment with the Surf Safe Noosa initiative. Collaborating with local authorities, lifeguards, and environmental experts, this program ensures surfers understand local conditions, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humanity and the coastal biosphere. Surf responsibly and discover Surf Safe Noosa.