Personal Purpose in Business Leadership Event at The J Noosa

19 Apr 2024

I believe this is an important message for people in their own businesses and ambitious individuals.

My wife and I arrived in Noosa in 2008 with our young family. I was broke, having just lost everything in a failed business in Sydney, and I had no obvious income-generating prospects for the future. My constraints were: I did not have a formal education, no business network, and I didn’t have any experience in any role as an employee in a first-world country.

All I did have was a definite intention; I wanted to be financially independent to grow old gracefully on the coast. As a result of being very clear about my intentions, my wife and I now own properties in the Noosa hinterland and are financially independent.

I have an important message for people in business. I was 35 when I lost everything, after having been involved in very successful businesses before that.

The personal leadership process I went through from the age of 35, transformed our new business and financial success and so this is what I now help individuals with now.

I help business owners, entrepreneurs, and ambitious individuals who have all the knowledge they need, but not the understanding of how to apply that knowledge to their business to get the results they want. We do this by helping them make personal leadership learning part of their lifestyle.

This has nothing to do with aptitude or more complicated strategies - it’s all about developing the right attitude and bringing out the best of their “Natural Born Leadership” qualities. It all begins with making it their mission to find their purpose in leadership.

Wednesday 8 May, 7-8.30am at The J Noosa - admission free.

Contact Praxis Mindset Guide


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